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Welcome to my Portfolio! This is a place for me to showcase my projects, skills, and ideas! If you find any of these interesting, feel free to contact me, either through the contact page on this site, or email me at


Barricade The Gates
Solo Developer 
Released on October 30, 2023

Barricade The Gates was my attempt at making a full scale board game that would eventually be printed and shipped out as a physical game. This pushed me through all the levels of physical game development, including proper formatting, commissioning artists, and prototyping physical versions of the game and working with print shops. It gave me a huge amount of experience with larger scale design, communication with third parties, and following through to fully complete a major project. I am very proud of how this turned out, and I feel like it was a major stepping point in my life.

Out Of My Way! was created over the course of a month for the Trans Game Dev Birthday Jam, celebrating the year anniversary of a community of Trans game developers from across the world. I was the gameplay and level designer, working alongside Jane Parson, Laura Heimann, a 2D Artist and a Composer. I also stepped into the role of a producer, setting up regular meetings, helped established direct tasks for each team member, and making sure that we didn't over-scope or get misinformed about each team member's intentions.

This was a difficult project, as it was much more complicated than others I had been involved in, and it involved a whole new role for me. However, the team was excellent to work with and we were able to avoid the largest hiccups. The game turned out quite fun, with a ton of visual and audio flavor. I am very proud of what we were able to accomplish, especially in just a month!

Ritual Race was my next Tabletop game, focused on being a quick, arcade style game that you can start with a bunch of people around the table or in a discord call with little to no prep. It's only 2 pages long, with the core rules available on the first page and extended modifiers on the second for when people wanna jazz it up. It's all about different cults racing each other to summon their apocalyptic deity first!

This project was primarily a lesson in playtesting. Getting people around the table, seeing how they react to quickly understanding and retaining the rules, and seeing how to exploit the kinks in the rules helped me to think more completely about how a game's systems come together and interact. It was also a lesson in scope and making sure I didn't overwhelm the idea, forcing it down to a maximum of 2 pages. I think if I let myself build it bigger it wouldn't have been nearly as fun to play, and especially not as fun to playtest. All in all, a great experience.

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The Neighborhood Watch
Solo Developer
Released on April 15, 2022

Ritual Race
Solo Developer
Released on August 1, 2022

Out Of My Way!
Gameplay Designer, Level Designer, and Producer
Released on August 1, 2022

The Neighborhood Watch is a Table-Top Role Playing Game focused on superheroics, volunteering, community action, and fighting fascism. It was initially released on April 15, 2022 with supplemental material planned for the future. It involves an entirely new custom system made by myself, and one of the core mechanics is the ability for a character to break one specific rule through the use of a Power.

I learned a lot on this project, both from design and writing standpoints but also from putting together my own book and structuring layouts. On top of that, I did all the advertising myself which was a huge learning opportunity and I learned a lot about networking and timing in advertising. I am incredibly proud of this project, and I am looking forward to seeing it succeed.


Gameplay and Level Designer
Released on June 13th, 2021

HookCat was made for the 6th Annual Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam, and was made entirely between June 11th and June 13th, 2021. I worked with 5 other developers on this particular project, where my role was to design the gameplay mechanics and the level design, as well as assembling and testing the levels themselves.

This experience was an incredible learning opportunity, both in terms of working with other developers on the same project and learning how to use remote file tools like GitHub. Another major thing I learned was more refined communication tools on a strict timeline to ensure that all the ideas are coordinated properly. This jam was a major test in making sure that everything fit together right, and I was able to ensure that everything came together smoothly.

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